What Would Easter be Like Without the Mom Killed the Easter Bunny Story?
This must have been about 9 or 10 years ago when my little sister(lets call her baby bear) was 7 or 8. Mom, dad, and Baby Bear were driving home from our uncle's house the Saturday night before Easter. Then a large jackrabbit dashed out in front of the car. Gush, pop the rabbit was dead. The terrified baby bear was distraught. "Mommy you killed the Easter Bunny," baby bear cried. "No it was just a rabbit," Mommy replied. That put baby bear at ease until....
Easter Morning:
There is no candy, no easter basket, and no colored eggs. Once again baby bear cried,"You killed the Easter Bunny." "Oh shit," mommy replied. Mommy had forgotten to do the Easter shopping. Oh no, What could she do? "I'll call her big sis that's what I'll do." Mommy called good old Doublebagger and what did they do they cook up a plan just like a stew. The Easter Bunny left her basket with sis. That was the plan how could it miss.
Needless to say it worked now baby bear if a beautiful, mature, and well adjusted 16 almost 17 year old. I'm not predjedice at all ask Madame Debarge.
This is actually true. And really, I'm surprised her mom didn't do it over and over again.
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