It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Paid Holidays Kick Ass

Did I mention being union on a paid holiday during a grand reopening rocks? If not, it sooooo...ooooo rocks. I work 5 days this week. I only work 34 hours, but I get paid for 42. How you may ask can that happen. Well lets see. I get the holiday off and get paid for 6 hours for that. Then the coolest thing about being union. The holiday makes it 6 paid days so the 5 hours I work friday is overtime. So, that makes 2 1/2 hours more which when you add it all together makes 42 1/2 hours for only 34 hours of actual work. I find that about the coolest thing ever. Well, goodnight all.


At 6:47 AM, Blogger mcgibfried said...

it's a shame that there aren't more holiday weekends....
there should be one everymonth!


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