It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I will never understand my boys.

My oldest minion has been beat up almost every other day this week. Why you might ask? His little 10 year old 55lbs. soaking wet mouth writes checks his equally scrawny ass can't cash. He' s definately my son. You know without the good sense god gave a house plant.

The first one was a teenage girl that his friends told him to walk up to and ask if she was dating the biggest geek in the neighborhood. At which point she bitch slapped the boy and knocked him down. In this incident he bruised his elbow and got a huge scratch on his back.

The second incident the boy pissed off a 7 year old with a nasty temper. This time he got a headache and a black eye.

The last one and the boy did something, he always does. He was chased down by the neighborhood kids(two of them). They held him down and beat him. This time he has two chipped teeth and is sore all over.

Maybe this time he will learn, maybe not.

Now he says he doesn't know who did it, when he knew last night. He also says the kids he originally said did it are his friends now. What kind of a friend beats you or even holds you while you're beaten? I'll never understand my kids.



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