My Shitty Assed Day
To start this I get to smell the aroma of shit as my oldest just walked out of the bathroom and left the door open. Not to mention that I just moved his shoes from under the computer desk.
Let us see. My day started out ok. Then I went to work. At work I encountered a woman who under normal circumstances I would not speak to. Her child slipped and fell in a puddle of water at UGH. Then when I repositioned the wet floor sign that was already there so that no one else would fall in that spot. She started screaming at me about how I was trying to avoid a lawsuit by moving the sign so there would be no proof it wasn't in the middle of the puddle her child fell in. Like I give a shit that something that should have been fixed a long time ago could cause a lawsuit. Would serve UGH right.
The other problem of the day. The water all over UGH. The produce department was completely flooded at several points during the day. When the meat department came in this morning their department was flooded from the meat cooler to the working area. Produce was so bad that water was pouring outside the store through the concrete side wall of the building into the loading dock area. The bakery cooler for cream pies is leaking puddles of water so is the beer cooler and one of the juice endcap coolers. I can't believe that of the places that are leaking most have only just been installed with the remodel in the last 2 and a half months.
To top this all off my knee has been so killing me from about 4 hours into my shift on. That's what happens when they give you 4 days off in a row and expect you to come back and work an eight hour shift on a bad knee. Not even to mention that I had an ingrown toenail on the foot oposite the sore knee. Notice I said had. I took care of that bitch myself with toenail clippers, a sharp nail file, and a pair of tweezers. I felt like being a tough macho bitch tonight. Though I think next time I will go to the doctor. If for nothing else just so I can get something for the pain before the digging starts.
Ok. Just one more thing before bed. I'm speaking to all of the large ladies out there. You know who you are. Stretch pants are all well and good, so are slacks. Neither of these things should be worn way too tight in the color of light pink with out a untucked shirt that covers up your fat ass. I saw a woman today. I shit you not. She was wearing a kind of stretch pant slacks in pale pink. The pants were atleast a size or two too small, and she had the white dress shirt tucked in. She was just grocery shopping but still I don't want to see you bend over in that and neither does anyone else. We really don't need to know that you like bright red high thigh cut granny panties now do we. Nor do we wish to see the celulite on your ass and thighs through your ugly assed ill fittting pants.
Ok, now I'm off to bed. I hope tomarrow goes better than today.
Oh god, more fashion advice to the fat asses of america!
Dude, we just all need to tell them-"Spandex is a priviledge,not a right!"
Yeah, tucking shit in? BAD,unless you're wearing a suit, or dress pants.
Oh my god, people are the scariest things I've ever seen.
People are the worst.
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