It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Friday, July 22, 2005

That thing only holds 400 pounds dumbass.

Ok. Today it rained so the really fat people came out.

First off you must know what a mart cart is. A mart cart is the electric cart that has the basket on it so old people and people who have trouble walking can use them to get their grocery shopping done.

They are not, I repeat, are not for people over 400 pounds. It says right on the control panel on the front. Right by where you turn it on at. NOT MEANT TO HOLD PERSONS IN EXCESS OF 400 LBS. BASKET IS NOT MEANT TO HOLD MORE THAN 100 LBS. This is in bold print all caps like I typed it.

So, yesterday we got 2 new mart carts that say the same thing.

Today a woman well over the 400 lb. weight limit tried to use one of the old almost worn out mart carts. How do I know she was well over the weight requirement? You might ask that. The reason is that first she had to wedge herself into the thing with her belly resting on the top of the controle panel. Also the second and most important reason. The son of a bitch wouldn't move. Not an inch, hell not even a centimeter. The whale in question cursed out our new mentally deficiant courtesy clerk. (Not a joke he really is a special needs idividual) Then he had to be saved by another courtesy clerk (not me I was on break) who brought the enormous bitch one of the new mart carts. What did the whale say to all this you might ask? She asked, "What is wrong with that thing I've always used them in the past and they worked just fine?"

No shit they worked just fine before her fat ass and the fat asses of others started using them on a daily basis. If you really need the cart to get your fat ass around then buy one of your own.


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