It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Co-workers who need to be beat about their head.

I'm sure we all have a few. I think I have more than most. Like yesterday I got to watch a co-worker, lets call him dumbass #1 not feeling real creative this morning, he pisses a customer off. Guess who gets their head bit off by the customer for it. Yes me good old Doublebagger. He walked away from the customer while she was asking him a question. Then dumbass #1 doesn't get carts unless someone in charge tells him. If I or another curtesy clerk tells him. He rolled his eyes at me when I asked him.

Next lets talk about little miss earplugs. (She doesn't wear them anymore) She's pissed me off more than once. She's just one of those people who have a slightly warped veiw of things. She doesn't like the new add slogan because she says it has religious conotations. Then she tells me if we have to speak any louder than a wisper to be heard we must have hearing damage. Slightly irritating.

There are a few others but I'll save them for another day when they piss me off.



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