It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What has happened for the past few days?

Not a whole hell of a lot. Let's see I found a convenience store that sells St. Ides kiwi strawberry. I havn't had that in years. I spent 4 days with my Zevon. The landlord fixed the outlet today. He also took the fan apart. I had beer, pizza, tacos, roast, and lots of soda. I'm home at last. I am so tired. I havn't slept a whole lot the last few days. I've got to get this place cleaned up again for another inspection. After all the crap is fixed. I spent all day Sunday playing Resident Evil Zero. I went to work today. Work still sucks.

Ok and to anonymous, whomever you are. This is not the classified ads and would appreciate it if people would not treat it as such. Just a thought, but get some friends to link you on their blog. Do not use mine to promote your buisness or personal agenda. I would greatly appreciate your co-operation with this.



At 4:54 PM, Blogger Damien said...

Yeah i got burnt by that anonymous freak as well, he's tracking through peoples sidebar links - did'nt realize he was a spammer until I clicked to his link, fucken freaker. Let me just say methods will be taken, if he posts again and if we can locate his IP server.


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