It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bitch do you have kids.

I was inspired to write this by a comment on Madame D's sight. First off You've Got to be Kidding didn't have the balls to leave a name or even let you know if it's a male or female. Lets for arguments sake say it's a female. She obviously has no children or has stepford kids with no ambition to cause a healthy amount of mischief. They also must have no imagination. What child hasn't played cops and robbers or cowboys and indians? I'm going to kill you is a common phrase in these games. So, the only problem comes when the child doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy. My kids say inappropriate things a lot, but as their parent I tell them that it's wrong and not to do it again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Children are fundimentally violent creatures. If we let them handle their own problems with bullies and bad people and such. They more then likely would settle the problem with violence if not the death of the bully, child molester, or other such person. If you don't believe me look at what a small child does when another child takes it toy or snack away. The result is usually hitting the offending child or biting or some other such form of violence. That is why as parents it is up to us to teach them to curb those urges until themselves or others are actually in physical danger. That is our job as parents.

First off I don't care who agrees with me on this. If my youngest son is getting beat on by a bigger child and my older son beats that larger childs ass. I don't care how he gets punished where he is. He's getting a party when he gets home. The reason you might ask. He did the right thing. The strong should defend the weak. The odds are though that the situation would be reversed and the little one would end up saving the big one. The little one has a temper, but is not a violent child. He is sweet and loving with a very long fuse. Once you set him off though he will kick your ass.

I just have one thing to say to the bitch in question. Madame D is a good mother and loves her son enough to kill for him. Also the boy is a sweet loving child who has spent a lot of time with me and my children. You don't know them if all you've read is one post. He's a good kid going through a tough time right now just like his momma.

I think I've ranted and raved enough about this for now.



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