It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hey bitch I'm off.

Today at work it was time to go home. I was walking to the time clock to punch out. What should happen now? Well, Doublebagger should punch out and go home right. Wrong...What does happen? You might ask. The Mega Bitch From Hell, assistant to Big Chief I Havemnoballs, says "Go to the parking lot and bring in carts." I told her I couldn't do it in the 10 seconds it takes to walk to the time clock. To which she replies, "I want you to do it anyway." Ok. This would have been all well and good, but I had been outside getting carts almost nonstop for an hour. Everytime I came in she sent me back out. Then when she wanted me to go out the last time she says, "I want the ones in the back brought in too."

God damnit. I always get the carts from the back. The ones the new people don't go get. I hate the fact that when I try to slack off I get in trouble, but anyone else it seems disappears for hours and no one cares. I'm tired as hell, and my head hurts. It was very hot today. Goodbye for tonight.



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