It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Human for sale.

These people have to be wrong. My lippy 11 year old is worth more than I am. So is my skeevy ex. How can that be? I am the most delightful of the three of us. My ex is butt ugly though he can sell ice to eskimos. Still I don't think abusive bastards should sell for almost 2 million. Especially not skeevy, abusive , nonbathing, nontoothbrushing, pot head smoking ex's.

As for the eleven year old. He's not even useful yet. He doesn't do his chores or clean up or anything. The seven year old can lift more than him, and he's half his size. Yeah so there male. That does not an excellent human make. Not just on that alone. Who cares about penis size? Mid range is best. Too big and you get ripped in two and are sore for days afterward. To small and you have to learn to fake it.

Men this is for you. If you have talented hands and mouthes. We really don't care about the size of your package. We can buy ourselves a penis in the size we prefere. Hell now we can even buy a plastic man with interchangable parts. Yeah they're a little more work than the real thing, but plastic man will never piss on the toilet seat and leave it for you to sit in.

So think it over. Men are not irriplacable. I fell into that trap once. They are nice to have around. They save you a lot of work. They smell good. Though there are a few who don't deserve the time of day.

Ok, I'm babbling now. Lack of sleep and all. Maybe more later.



At 6:47 PM, Blogger Madame D said...

I remember something the neighbor once said about the Ex.
"Are your teeth cold? Then why are they wearing those yellow blankets?"

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Deli mom said...

It doesn't judge real intelligence. I had to tell him and his mother how to spell his middle name.

At 2:51 AM, Blogger Madame D said...

Oh dear god.


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