It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

More story for you.

Here's another installment of what I'm thinking of calling " It's a vampire world."

Chapter 1
The fall of mankind.

In the three years since Stephen had left his home. Life in the world had vastly changed and not for the better. In the beginning, just after he ran, things started happening quickly. The takeover happened in every city and town in the world on December 31, 2005 through January 1, 2006. The one night of the year where people were most likely to be out after the dark in a public place. There for avoiding the having to be invited in thing. It wasn’t a slow or gradual thing. That had been going on for the last two years. They had already subverted the army of every nation in the world. Every public service office had a human servant in it. The local police departments were in the vampires pockets. The good cops and their families were eliminated in a variety of accidents that were never investigated.
Small pockets of resistance groups sprung up, and were quickly put down. The Romanian Resistance Movement lasted the longest. They held out for six months. Eventually they too were infiltrated and betrayed by one of their own for the promise of eternal life. The problem is that traitors never realize that the ones they betray their friends to won’t trust them. Everyone knows if you’ll sell out your own friends, you’ll sell out anyone. Traitors there for were sent to a donation center or killed outright along with their entire family. No one can be left to seek revenge. There are still rumors circulating to this day that a few brave souls escaped and are even now plotting revenge on the vampire enemies.
When the human herd had been significantly thinned. Then the real work of sorting began. Humans were to be sorted into a few very significant groups. The first and most important was the breeder group. Breeders are the ones even to this day that the vampires will defend with their lives. The breeders insure the vamp. food supply. As long as you have a good population of breeders the other groups can be replaced. All the groups are micro chipped much like pets have been. Breeder chips contain the breeder’s name, sex, designation, and special skills or attributes. It also contains the number of children that have been sired or bred by the individual. Breeders are given the best food and the best medical attention. They also get the best living locations in the cities. Their living accommodations are second only to the vampires themselves.
Breeders that give birth to or sire twins are given even better treatment than normal breeders. The vampires are nothing if not envious of breeders in their ability to have children. Not to say that the vampires don’t have the most vicious sexual appetites. The just can not procreate in the same way that they could when they were human. Twins are so important in that one can be made into a vampire and the other can be bred with another identical twin. The vampire set then raise any children of the union as their own.
The second group to be sorted was the humans to be sent to the donation centers. Since vampires can only get high or become intoxicated through blood. Several humans were kept addicted to several different drugs. This being the case donors are promptly sterilized upon being assigned as a donor. They usually don’t mind this though. They are given food that they like. They are only forced to donate through the an I. V., and then only at levels that they would in a blood bank in the time before the takeover. The worse thing that could happen to you was if you became pregnant before the sterilization. If it happened before designation it wasn’t a crime, but if it happened after it was crime punishable by death. The child could then be raised by a vampire couple and the donor mother and sire were both executed by feeding. This was witnessed on video screens by the entire donor population of the world.
It was widely believed that the vampire doctors occasionally botched a sterilization on purpose. This was actually the case. The non-sterilized couple were often bunked in the same wing of the donor center. There for increasing the odds of an illegal pregnancy. The public feeding vampire being chosen by lottery. The tickets for the lottery were expensive. It is an excellent source of revenue. The city also gets to collect a fee from the vampire couple that adopt the child. Under any other circumstance it is illegal to hunt or kill a human except in self defense. Being creatures of great strength there are rarely any self defense killings. Killing or being caught hunting a human are punishable by death. Except in the case of vampire police hunting renegade humans. The sentence is being bound to a stake with specially reenforced chains, and being left out to wait for the rising sun. This is why the lottery happening fairly regularly is a good thing. The lottery is also held for rebels, a rebel is any human who willfully disobeys a justifiably vampire order.
The next group to be sorted is the children. Children are not chipped until their sixteenth birthday. Then they are sorted into the group that they will live with for the rest of their natural lives. It is a crime punishable by disembowelment and being staked out for the sun for a vampire to harm a child in any way. The only exception to this rule is an imperfect child. One that is born or develops a major injury or illness. In such cases the child’s life is mercifully terminated. This is an assurance that the world human population will not rise too high.
The last group to be sorted are the outlaws. There are always punished when caught no mater what group they belong to. There are even vampire outlaws that are frequently punished. Death is the only punishment that exists in this bleak future. In order for humanity to survive they have developed a go along to get along attitude. For the most part this works well. Sometimes as in the case of Stephen it doesn’t. This brave new world has lots of different people and creatures in it. All sorted out into neat little categories.
The initial takeover took approximately nine hours from December 31, 2005 to January 1,2006. From sunset when the humans were first going out to celebrate New Year’s Eve until just before sunrise on New Year’s Day. The vampires struck in a manner that was unusual for them. They fed, purged, and fed again. The population of the world had to be reduced to a controllable level. Millions of men, women, and children died that night. The few that had stayed home had no idea what had happened until the next morning when some entire towns were empty. The aftermath of the rounding up the others with promises of food and a better living situation took care of the rest. Individuals that had lost their entire families were promptly killed as and example to the others of what would happen if they resisted. In the end the world’s human population was less than one third of what it had been and only two thousand more vampires were created that night.
The new vampires were all very beautiful people in life. Mostly lover’s of vampires that had brought them over. A few were seen as perfect and spared to be perfect forever. Of these none was sadder than the only vampire child to be created. He was six years old and the victim of a vampire that thought it was funny to have an eternal child to use for his own sick pleasure. When it was discovered the poor child vampire was quickly put out of his misery, and the vampire that created him was destroyed. The cruelty of the vampire race is legendary. Though nothing is ever said about their sense of justice. This vampire was a vicious pedofile. His death served as an example to all that in this new society that kind of behavior would not be tolerated. The vampire was first shot repeatedly. The point being not to kill him, but to cause him pain. Then he was castrated, disemboweled, and scalped. Then allowed to regenerate and went through it all over again. His punishment lasted for thirty days and then he was staked out for the sunrise.
Things had not all been bad. The punishments fit the crime. Sometimes not, but no society is perfect. The small town of Longview, WA fell even before the great killing. It was there for spared the worst of the death and destruction. The mayor Paul Hanou having brokered a deal with the vampires from the start to save as many as possible. Very little changed in this small town. Life went on people reported to be sorted and chipped. Welfare payments stopped as all humans were given all they needed and most of what they wanted in return for using their special skills.
The town still underwent it’s own wave of death. The meth problem in this city was getting out of control. Therefore the vampires rounded up and executed seventy-five percent of the meth addicts in the city. Then the humans voluntarily reported to be sorted. Longview remained one of the few cities in the world that remained in control of a few vampires and a largely human panel of advisors. People still went to work it was just different jobs. Donors in Longview were allowed to live with their families. They were still sterilized and everyone was still chipped.

That's what I've got so far.

Hope you like it. After chapter 3 I will not post anymore of the story. I'm planning on having the whole thing edited and sent off to try to get it published. Maybe. At least then I can say I wrote a book. And if it does get published and sells even one copy I can say, "I had a book published what the hell have you done," You know when people act like I'm just a courtesy clerk in a grocery store. I'm writing about a small shit hole town. With in driving distance of Portland, OR and Seatle, WA. I figured the setting would be good. That's all for now. I think I might write later after my cleaning spree.



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