It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This bullshit has to stop.

Things have gotten really bad at ye old UGH. If you don't believe my click on the my boss link. You will see that the reign of terror is not over even though big chief Ihavumnoballs has been transfered and we have a new manager. Hopefully soon the redheaded demon and mega bitch will be transfered out too. Not this week though. Our new store manager is on vacation. So, we must endure. We shall overcome. Yeah it's cheesy but they have us by the short hairs. Most of us need our jobs and our insurance. If we are truely lucky the new manager will show he has a pair of brass ones and stand up to the bitchy demons that infest our store.


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