It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

God damn mother fucking cock sucking shit for brains assmonkeys.

Yes this is another rant about putting carts in cart returns. You know who you are bitch in the silver excursion. You who would not walk three feet to put you cart away so that you could sit with your driver side door open and scratch your lottery tickets. I wish I could scratch the hell out of you.

Do people really think it is that hard to put your cart away? I know it's raining or hot. Do you really think that I want to spend 2 or 3 hours in the heat or rain chasing your cart down? No dumbass I don't.

Why do people say "I don't usually get help out but it's so nasty out?" Assmonkey do you think I want to go out in that shit either. My other favorite. "You look like you need to get outside." Bitch if I wanted to spend all day outside I'd be a god damn gardener.

In other news.

UGH tried to hire 6 new courtesy clerks. Only one passed their drug test. We got one out of six. How shitty is that. We really need more courtesy clerks so I can make appointments for things like eye doctors and dentists and actually get the days I ask for off. I have the most shitty schedule ever. It ranges from starting at 7:30 am to getting off at 1 am. I am so run down I don't know which end is up half the time. Well, that's all the ranting for tonight.



At 9:27 AM, Blogger Zombie_Flyboy said...

I am so sorry. That job of yours sounds really awful.


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