It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I love you truely dear.

Tonight is going better than the whole day has. I didn't smoke. I'm so proud of myself. This is day two without a cigerette. Of course there is hardly any food left in this place now. I still am doing pretty well at work. I got myself a panini at work today. So, I splerged I deserve it, besides that makes my next one free. Then I'll go back to the cottage cheese and yogurt for lunch. I will buy chicken breasts next time I go grocery shopping which will be after Thursday. Yummy chicken. I have a roast in the fridge I will get ready to cook. I'll put it in the crockpot on low over night and it should be done when I get home at 11:30 am on wed. My workout video should be here soon. Then it will be diet and exercise.

So, onto why tonight is so good. I got to snuggle in the car with my honey. I have a feeling he was smelling my hair for smoke, but still he held me close and smelt my hair. I know he can still smell the smokey smell on my jacket. That's just because I didn't have enough quarters to wash the coat as well as my work clothes and the boys' school clothes. I love him so much. I hope he will do this diet and exercise program with me. Then we can get healthy and skinnier. Not too thin though. Just to a healthier weight for both of us.

I worked my ass off today, and it still seems that I got nothing done. I don't know why I even try anymore. I work and come home and work some more. Maybe it's just that I'm really tired tonight. I am planning on working out about six times a week. Three days a week with Madame D. if she wants to, and three times a week with my honey if I can get him to do it. Plus I go to work at least 5 days a week. I hope I don't kill myself with this plan of mine. I should be able to relax what I can and can't have for lunch at work if I stick to the workout plan.

I don't know. I'm just babbling tonight. Goodnight all.



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