The circle of life in Longview.
It was a happy day when Ms. Furby gave birth to Mr. Thing's baby.
Then things went terribly wrong. Mom became a huge slut.
Dad started fucking every super hero in sight.
Both male and female. He seemed to have a unnatural attraction to the Power Rangers.
This can never lead to anything good happening to the poor defensless baby. Left all alone to his own devises he went terribly wrong.
First he started drinking.
Then came the pills.
Then one fateful night the booze and the pills were too much for the poor halfbreed baby.
They found him in a puddle of alcohol. With a spilled bottle of pills near by. The saddest thing of all was the bottle that was firmly lodged up his tiny little ass. The coroner's report stated that all of this was self inflicted.
Did all of this change mom and dad's ways. Of course not they just started over again.
Thank god this time the birth was breech and Ms. Furby can now have no more children. This child grew up to be a huge slut. Thus is the circle of life in the town that Ye old Doublebagger habitates in.
What was happening while the baby was going bad is continued on:
That's all.
what the hell do you do on your day off.
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