It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The last 10 days a week in review.

It's been an intersting week.

First off. I worked in the deli department. Now I'm hoping they let me transfer to the deli.
Next. I got shorted on my paycheck.

Ok, I'm sitting here eating an ambrosia dessert salad. I'm so addicted.

Yesterday. I was cleaning up a beer mess with a co-worker. What should I hear? "An uptown girl on a Saturday night" This is the first line of the song "Maniac" from the movie "Flashdance." This wouldn't be too bad if it was not being sang by a large man opera style. This guy proceeded to sing the song through out the store.

Today I had to do fundraising. Prostate cancer fundraising. UGH has been doing fundraising for the last 3 months straight. First breast cancer, then jerry's kids, and finally we are now on prostate cancer. The poor customers are so tired of shelling out money that we get the brunt of their displeasure.

Most of the new courtesy clerks are sucking at their jobs. Everyone in the deli dept. want me to work with them. I don't know what's going to happen there. I'll keep ya posted.

The movie Ultra Violet is not worth anyone's time. The fighting sucked and the plot was worse.
How many times can you film the same scene on a different set? I don't know. I watched this peice of shit at my man's place.

I got fruit and the makings of a yogurt dip today I will mix it up tonight and tomarrow will be a fruit day.

That's it for right now.



At 11:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey...Prostrate cancer ain't funny to asses like me. Double, I'm now 40 and I'm supposed to get checked.


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