It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Monday, October 15, 2007

It's been awhile.

It's been awhile since I've posted. I've had the flu, and been working alot.

Tonight I was watching "Red Eye" on Fox news channel. Guess what some Dr. has done now. Most women know that men can't find the G Spot with a map, flash light, and step by step directions. Now a male Dr. is offering collegen injections to enlarge the G Spot. After the injection it is the size of a small stack of quarters. So, you reallize that this man can find it with just a needle. I don' t know about most women, but why would you want a man with a needle in that area if you don't have to. If your man is so clueless that he needs that much help. Why not just take care of it yourself.

That's it for tonight.



At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know what's more creepy -- trying to enlarge the g-spot or sticking a needle in it.


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