Another month almost gone.
So, here we are on the ass end of may. To be quite frank with you it stinks. My honey is sick again. The kids just got over a head lice infestation. That was fun trust me. Things at work are ok I guess. Between the mega ho. Trust me on this one she will screw anything. She flirts uncontrolably with our china cook. I'm tired. At least it's nice to know who your enemies are. I was told a few days ago someone who acts like my friend at work is trying to get me in trouble all the time. It's always some bullshit or other around that place. Lets see what else is up. I need a shower. I'll take care of that soon. I burnt my dinner.
I watched the Heroes season finally. I hope Peter is still alive next season. Hell, the man can regenerate so he should be. I personally think that Hero will turn out to be the guy in the paintings with the sword. I just wonder what the Petrelli momma's power is besides being a totally hellatious bitch. I also wonder if Matt will survive. Since we all know that Sylar is still alive. Judging by the blood smear leading to the manhole cover. Linerman is dead, so are Simone, and Nathen. We know that they will be battling the man who is even worse than the boogy man next season. Or they could continue to chase Sylar once they learn he's still alive. I also wonder how many seasons it will take for them to have matt's wife have the baby. By the way what ever happened to Hero's mom, and does his dad have a power.
Yeah I wonder a lot of strange things. Well, here's one more.
I've seen a lot of zombie movies, and I've always wondered. Why don't zombie's attack each other. Seriously, because if it's a smell thing then people should be able to rub themselves down with zombie slime and walk right through. If it's that they can hear heartbeats then why don't they find the people that are hiding around the corner until they see them. This has confused me for a while. Also if it's that they can sense no real brain activity a lot of the living (at least in this town) should be safe.
I guess that's enough rambling for one night.