I've been reading over my past.
Damn I was a lot funnier when I first started. Well, tonight is an attempt to start posting semi regularly again.
First off today sucked ass. As did yesterday. I think I have a creepy young fan at work. This is very disturbing to me. Because everyone says (lets call him ADA for short) American Dumbass likes me. He reminds me of both of my sons aged and morphed into one.
We have a young china cook wee will call CDA (Chinese Dumbass) I'm not feeling very original tonight. I think this guy gets some kind of perverse pleasure from standing in my way. This is one of my deli work pet peeves.
Here we are again heading into one of my classic rants:
Bathe you stupid dumbasses. ( Not the above ones just people in general) Do we really have to do the list again?
1. Soap is your friend
2. Shampoo is cheap
3. If the fish in your cart smells a lot better than you. See 1 and 2
4. Ass is not a perfume
5. Deoderant is not an option it's a must
6. Deoderant and perfume are not a substitute for bathing
7. Smelling like ass is not a family activity
8. Shit and piss are not pleasant smells
9. If I can smell you over me at the end of an eight hour shift working with greasy food all day you have a problem and you should accept it and take care of the problem
10. If you don't like this list Fuck off and go take a shower
This list was inspired by a family that came into my work today. Three of my coworkers could not help these people without gagging. There were two males and a female. One male and the female were ridding in mart carts. I'm sorry but those carts were practically smoking. They are only rated for 400 lbs. The other male was walking. It was like a wall of ass. You'ld walk up and then you'ld hit the wall. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. This was my day. More on the CDA and ADA maybe in a few days.
Now on to Mega HO:
I think I've posted on here about her before. But Maybe not. She worked in the deli for awhile then she went to be a courtesy clerk. Well, today I found out she had sex with the poster child for male ho's at my work. So now this kid of a checker has bagged a checker and a courtesy clerk. Probably a few others to be named later. You notice I don't use names on here. Most of you wouldn't know who they were anyway, but some might. I still have to work with most of these fuckers.
Big C just got back from church camp with mom. He says he found Jesus. What was he hiding? Now I know I'm going to have to beat it out of him.
Oh well, it's time to end this rant. Maybe more tomarrow.