It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What the hell do I have insurance for anyway?

Ok, today sucked ass. I was sick the last two days then I go back to work today and during lunch my tooth explodes. Almost half of it is gone. So, I call dentists all over town and they tell me I need cash. The one thing I don't have. They told me to call the insurance company and see how much they pay. Guess what? The union is renegotiating that part of the contract. What kind of bull shit is that. I thought the contract was settled a long time ago. Well now the insurance company won't tell me how much they will pay because they don't know. Not until the contract is renegotiated. So, I can't get my tooth fixed in less than 3 months. I'm gonna have to go to the local dental clinic. I will have to go and sit for hours and wait until they look at it and then they will make me an appointment another 3 months out to actually fix it and then the tooth will not be fixable at all. I've gone through this before. This sucks ass. Royally.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What's going on now?

Ok, here's what I'm dealling with right now.

Came home early from work. Very sick. Puking and shitting everywhere and very dizzy.

Not the best part. I was like this yesterday too.

What else happened to warrent my posting my puke/shit fest.

My ex happened. He brought the kids home yesterday and told me that he wanted full joint custody with the kids spending six months of the year with him. Can anyone say hell no. I guess I'm gonna need a lawyer for this divorce huh. What happens if this travisty of justice happens.

1. I lose my HUD, because I don't have the kids more than half the year. This would mean I have no where for us to live and then he can file for full custody.
2. I lose my food stamps. No food to feed them when they are here.
3. No more child support which makes it imposible to even try to maintain a residence on what I make.

He will take my kids from me over my dead decomposing body. He thinks I'll roll over and let him have them without a fight. He's got another thing coming. Like any sane judge would give them to him knowing that he lives in a 3 bedroom house with 7 other people. When they go for visitation they sleep on the floor of their dad and his girlfriend's room. He's still trying to get me to agree to it when I file for divorce. He stood over me like he could intimidate me.

Guess what? My Zevon is bigger and stronger than him. I would hate to see what he would do if he hit me. Well, I must go puke again.


Saturday, August 27, 2005


Ok, I'm really tired of obnoxious people who don't put their carts in the cart return. They look right at you and then they walk away from the cart. They just leave it there. You know people ignore the courtesy clerk in most cases. If you talk to them or ask them what kind of bag they want they look at the checker like the checkers dog just peed on thier carpet. This is a serious lack of understanding on their part. All checkers do is check. It is a hard, stressful job dealing with the public from day to day. The thing is aside from the outer departments the front end of the store runs on the backs of the courtesy clerks. We are the ones who get the right shit when you get the wrong shit. We are the ones who clean up after you when you drop shit. We are the ones who get the fucking carts you leave all over the parking lot insted of taking the two seconds to put the cart where it goes. We are most of the time the ones that has to clean up your shit when you decide to crap your pants and let it fall down your leg, or decide the restroom wall is your own personal art project. Ok, I think I've vented enough for today.


Co-workers who need to be beat about their head.

I'm sure we all have a few. I think I have more than most. Like yesterday I got to watch a co-worker, lets call him dumbass #1 not feeling real creative this morning, he pisses a customer off. Guess who gets their head bit off by the customer for it. Yes me good old Doublebagger. He walked away from the customer while she was asking him a question. Then dumbass #1 doesn't get carts unless someone in charge tells him. If I or another curtesy clerk tells him. He rolled his eyes at me when I asked him.

Next lets talk about little miss earplugs. (She doesn't wear them anymore) She's pissed me off more than once. She's just one of those people who have a slightly warped veiw of things. She doesn't like the new add slogan because she says it has religious conotations. Then she tells me if we have to speak any louder than a wisper to be heard we must have hearing damage. Slightly irritating.

There are a few others but I'll save them for another day when they piss me off.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

Damn the nice weather does bring out those badly dressed fat people.

Ok, so she wasn't that fat, but your ass should not ooze out of a bathing suit. Nor should your back roll.

The woman was wearing a blue one peice suit with one of those little skirts that's supposed to have the slit over your hip. That and the bottom should not be in wedgie mode. The woman had the bottom so far up her ass I thought that there was no bottom. She also was wearing the little skirt over her left ass cheek. What I don't understand is if her ass cheek has been exposed all day then why was it so very white. I always put shorts on over my swim suit if I have to go to the store. So, why don't others do the same. I don't know.

So, this part has nothing to do with fat people I just didn't feel like another whole new post.

The thing is I'm tired of almost getting run over. Ok, some times it's my fault. The thing is it's a parking lot with lots of people and children walking in it. Why would you drive like it's the indianapolis 500? Dumbasses!!! Talking on cell phones and not watching where they are going. You also get the old people that have no buisness driving.

I think a line from the movie,"Ten Things I Hate About You" describes my sentiments on this perfectly. "First remove head from sphinkter then drive."(spelling still sucks ass) So, I guess I'll post some more tomarrow maybe if I'm not too tired.


I've done gone and done it.

I helped inspire a new blog. Maybe not as funny as mine, but it should be alright. Just kidding Management. She's my boss at UGH. Not dangerous. Just has a few more years of UGH stories under her belt. Probably a lot more Shit Happens stories than I do too.


I figured it out all on my own.

I couldn't figure out how to link other blogs on here. So I looked at how Madame Debarge added hers to mine and figured it out. You can't understand how ignorant I am of computer crap. I really suck at it, but I figured it out.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Stupid ass mother fucker.

Yes this is all about my dumb assed ex. What does he do today? He calls and asked to take the boys on Sunday and Monday. Then in the next breath says that if the state raises his child support he'll just quit his job, or get a lawyer to fight it. First off the deal was that his child support got reduced until I was off welfare. Then we'd see about raising it. So now he's once again supporting his girlfriend and her lazy assed family. The bitch, her sister, her sister's boyfriend, her neice, her mother, her little sister, and her brother. This is my problem how. The man is working 40 hrs. per week. That's 37.5 with lunches taken out. He makes almost $11 and hour, and I make $7.45 and get between 22 and 35 hrs. per week. He says he's going to quit his job and work under the table. He says he'll just buy the boys what they need. Which means his sorry ass will lose his license and eventually go to jail. I'm not going to put up with his shit. All this from the man I had two kids with. I married this asshole. He wants to play that the gloves are coming off. Well, that's enough for now.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

The shame, the horror.

My hair so did not turn out. What do you expect from $3 walmart hair dye. Anything but this. I have to work like this until next Thursday. The problem you might ask. The color didn't take on all my hair. I got the dye on all the hair. Now I will try it again only this time no conditioner on the hair for the week. Maybe it will take this time. I have a light brown stripe right in front and down one side. I have no bangs so this is a very visable sight. Also the whole under side didn't take. So, I have this streak in the front and being as I have to tie my hair back for work the entire underside of the back shows. The rest is so bugendy it's purple. So, purple with light brown stripes and blotches. It so totally sucks ass. I can't wait until I can fix this monstrosity I call hair.


Saturday, August 20, 2005

Oh my good God what's next.

Well we've all seen those folded over perfume adds in magaizines. You know the ones just so you can smell the aroma of several crappy perfumes in the crappy magazine. Well today while walking through your local UGH I saw something that totally repulsed even me. A pretty exceptional feat if you ask me. It was a pink advertising box with little paper advertisements in side. It said on the side "smell the clean, fresh scent inside!" "get fresh!" The picture on the advertisement is of two young women. The inside of the ad. Introduced the product what could it be you might ask. "Introducing NEW Tampax Fresh." It shows a picture of 4 boxes of tampax. Then on the other flap it says, "lift here and take a breath." Yeah, you guessed the disgusting truth it's a scented tampon advertisement. One of those anoying little perfume flaps to show you how your tampon will smell pre-use. Now is that what it meant by fresh scent inside. I don't know but I personally showed it to the head hottie in charge today and embarassed him. I just love doing things like that. Look for this advertisement hanging from a feminine hygene aisle near you today.


OK sauage fest is on.

OK first off I don't have a scaner or digital camera so no picture of the bag. But here is a discritption.

on top of circle

Coming home never tasted so good.

in a red circle with mountains are the words


Sausage Fest

below the circle

FREE fun for the whole family.

Presented by
The Columbian

Here is the web address for St. Joseph School and Parish where sausage fest takes place.

Yes it is a catholic school isn't that just the most interesting part of sausage fest.


Friday, August 19, 2005

In the burgendy.

What? You might ask what that means. If you know me you know it's that time of year again. The time of the year where I start to see the imaginary gray. Ok I know it's not there, but I swear I see it. So, neh. I've got about 35 minutes yet and my hair will be so burgendy it will be purple. I always go for the maximim amount of time on the dark hair dyes. So, it will be I'm having a good old time just me the boys and my $3 bottle of walmart hair dye. I love the color bugendy I have a shirt and sweater in the color and a pair of shoes. So enough about the hair.

About tomarrows post I don't think I will include a picture of the bag if I do and the word gets out at work. The shit I write on here is really frowned upon in a major way. The whole your not supposed to talk about shit. They don't pay me enough to keep my mouth shut, but I am rather fond of the roof over my head and the Dove icecream in the freezer so. I'll think about it.


And my childrens safety isn't an emergency.

OK so I didn't call 911. I did call the cops though. I found a hypodermic needle laying on the ground in front of my laundry room. It had a bent needle and some kind of fluid in it. Am I the only one who sees this as a problem. Small kids walk back and forth barefooted around there. So, what does the dispature (spelling sucks) say. We don't respond to needles. Put it in a plastic pop bottle or a milk jug and have a nice day. Yeah right bitch. I'll have a nice day when my kid or my neighbors kid gets stuck by this full needle. You'd think the fact that it's full would be enough to make it some kind of health issue. But alas no. It's not as if the cops around here are all that busy. I read the police blotter it's not all that long. OK we do have a winchells in town. Still I don't get paid for ensuring the publics safety. I don't care if it's a diabetic needle or not. I do know even an insilen overdose is bad for you. I don't know. I just know I've never had to deal with anything like this before.

Tomarrow I will be posting about something I read on a shopping bag, but first I must get the bag to do it justice.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The C's are at it again.

What is it with young boys?

1. Their room is thrashed.
2. They need school supplies.
3. They need shoes.
4. Clothes
5. They make huge messes.

My revenge was to make the big one take out the trash, clean out the dishwasher, and clean his room. I wish they would grow up and get jobs and pay for their own crap. It's not like their father pays lots of child support. Regardless of what he says. $328 per month for two kids. Lets add up their portion of crap they need.

1. Their room cleaning took me 30 min. at $7.35 per hour= $3.68
2. School supplies with backpacks. $50.00
3. Shoes $20 per pair for 2 pair=$40
4. Clothes even at walmart prices. T-shirts and sweat pants= approx. $100
5. The bills they help create, their portion = $165
6. outdoor school for Big C $40

That's like $400 not counting food. I wish I could win the lottery. Then again I would have to pay for the ticket to play the lottery. Kids are so damn expensive. School starts again on August 30th this year. Doesn't life just suck ass.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What has happened for the past few days?

Not a whole hell of a lot. Let's see I found a convenience store that sells St. Ides kiwi strawberry. I havn't had that in years. I spent 4 days with my Zevon. The landlord fixed the outlet today. He also took the fan apart. I had beer, pizza, tacos, roast, and lots of soda. I'm home at last. I am so tired. I havn't slept a whole lot the last few days. I've got to get this place cleaned up again for another inspection. After all the crap is fixed. I spent all day Sunday playing Resident Evil Zero. I went to work today. Work still sucks.

Ok and to anonymous, whomever you are. This is not the classified ads and would appreciate it if people would not treat it as such. Just a thought, but get some friends to link you on their blog. Do not use mine to promote your buisness or personal agenda. I would greatly appreciate your co-operation with this.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

My first away post.

In case you didn't get that I'm not at home today. Don't know when I will be. Definately by monday. OK so I'm with my Zevon today. It's hot as hell here. Watching movies and having pizza. Life is good Big C is home and a little better behaved than before. Well that's all for now. Love ya all.


Friday, August 12, 2005

It is finished.

The inspection is done. Of course it failed, and not because it's dirty. Because of repairs. When they get done I'm suposed to notify HUD. Then they will come in and reinspect it. Well, I'm done for now.



And if not oh well. Ok I'm sitting here waiting for the HUD inspector to show up. I think I'm finished. I didn't scrub the walls or anything. The problem you might ask. The problem is no matter how clean it is it won't pass inspection. Why you might ask? Repairs...the landlord didn't come make them. My bathroom heater went out about 2 months ago. It started pouring black smoke into the air and then died. Then while I was vacuuming about 2 weeks ago the plug cover fell off the wall with the vacuum still plugged into it. I called and I talked to the property manager and she called the landlord and told him about the inspection. But alas in the last 2 months I have not seen him. He came in with a appraiser and saw the repairs that needed to be made. My Zevon was here and pointed it out to him. So, when the inspector gets here all my work will be for nothing.

The funniest thing I just saw while sitting here typing this. Little C has lined up two pairs of shoes. Not on the floor. On the posts that run along the end of his bottom bunk. ("L" shaped bunk bed) Actually it's one pair of my shoes and one of Big C's Yugio shoes and one of Little C's spiderman shoes. It looks like their shoes are following mine. I wish I had a digital camera. It's so cute. He's a very creative kid. Artisticly. He draws and colors and does bizaare things in decorating. Well, gotta go.


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Let's make this quick.

OK here's what's going on in Doublebagger's life.

1. Work

2. Big C is at church camp with grandma.

3. Little C is home now. The dipshit brought him home and told me he slapped the boy. Not for any good reason i.e....swearing, potty mouth, or spitting. The reason you might ask...burping in a resteraunt while drinking soda. There was no say excuse me. No just burp smack. The dipshit made a big deal about the fact that burping while drinking soda in public was bad maners. I don't know about all of you, but I've been guilty of that more than once. This wasn't even a real resteraunt it was a fast food style mexican resteraunt. Load the seven year old kid up with beans and soda and expect him not to get gassy. The worst part is that the dipshit himself has done this same thing on more than one occasion. Though he denies it.

4. HUD inspection tomarrow.

5. Cleaning like a mad woman. Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I hate to clean. You could eat jello off my carpet and not get lint or dust in it. Now that's damn clean.

6. Work still sucks.

7. My boyfriend Zevon still rocks.

8. My Zevon's roommates rock. They don't care if me and the kids stay the night.

9. I'm back to cleaning now. Must clean out the fridge, vacuum again, and put away the rest of the clean laundry.

I don't know if I'll post again before Saturday. Lots to do and so little time before 9 am tomarrow.


Monday, August 08, 2005

Whoo Hoo

Big C is gone for the week and Little C is gone for two days. Big C is at church camp with his grandma. Little C is going on visitation with his daddy. I get to stay with my honey, but he has a tummy ache. At least I will have no children for 2 days. What sucks ass is I have to work both days. I am going to ask Dipshit C to take Little C on Friday afternoon so I can spend the day with my man. Well, Dipshit will be here soon.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dumbass central, How may I direct your call?

Ok, So today in the wonderful world of UGH. A block or two away a car hit a telephone pole and the pole fell on a power transformer and took it out. Thus no electricity. Not a problem UGH has a backup generator. The problem is even the best backup generator can not work if it has no gas in it or in the gas can next to it. That's a no brainer people. So we had just enough gas in the generator to run two checkstands off and on. Also for the backup lights. No dairy or frozen to be sold for an hour. We had a courtesy clerk at one door and the janitor at the other door looking like bouncers. They had to stand there to keep our valued customers from leaving without paying. Then it was like 100 degrees out and the parking lot was full of carts. Then management insists on the fact that only two courtesy clerks get all the carts. That would have meant two people out in hundred degree weather for at least thirty minutes. Can anyone say heat stroke.

Goodnight all.


I raised your ass better than that.

Yesterday I found out my older child is a criminal. A vandal. He and his friends took Sharpies and drew and wrote on the walls of my apartment building. The outside walls. So today after work I got to sand the concreate walls and my honey Zevon had to buy spray primer to fix the other white walls they wrote on. Now must kill boy again.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Shame revisited

Ok so the entire hanging my head in shame thing disappeared. What happened in a nut shell?

I went to the beach and wore the wrong type of clothing being the beach the rules don't apply. I wore a greenish tanktop that in the event of a water landing my chest could be used as a flotation device. I also wore a pair of cut off stretch pants that left nothing to the imagination when wet. I can tell you I looked real cute pulling my shirt up and my shorts out of my ass and crotch. It was all tits and ass. My ass even floats. Which is very disturbing if you are trying to remain upright in the water. I'm burnt boys are burnt. That's about all that happened.