It's time for a change.

Trying to deal with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Perfume is a privilage and not a right.

Oh, my god. This lady came through the line today. She reeked. I myself come from the spray in the air and walk through school of perfume. This lady was from the fill up the bathtub and climb in soak for 3 hours until well marinated and then get out and spray on some more school of perfume application. I couldn't catch my breath and my chest hurt when I was trying to breath. Of course this woman insisted on standing right next to me in the rain while I put her groceries in the trunk of her car.

That's enough for now way tired.


Damn It's been a long time.

I've had a really fucked up schedule this week.


Friday, September 23, 2005

The shit head did it again.

Dumb ass called yesterday. He wanted the kids for the weekend. In the background I hear his bitch yelling. "Tell her to send food for them. We don't have hardly any for us."

Ok, First off bitch. I feed these kids 27 out of 30 days of the month. He can feed them the three days of the month he takes them. When I have them most of the time. If he sends food some of the other 27 days of the month. Then he can ask me to send food for them, but that won't happen. It might if pigs fly or Hell freezes over again.

I'm trying to fix up a co-worker with a friend. I think she's cute. Of course my honey said he'd do her. The co-worker that is. If he'd do the friend we'd have a whole nother set of problems. I hope they like each other. It would be cool. I like them both and I think her kids and mine would get along good together.

Well, that's enough for now.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

I'm feeling depressed today.

If I knew how to deal with this feeling I would. I've done my dishes. I just want to see my honey and snuggle, but gas is too expensive and it's my day off. The car is broke. So, we're in the truck now to go anywhere. The big assed gas guzzling truck. He called me at 10:30 this morning to tell me he was helping his roommate move his gf stuff to her mama's house. I just feel so lonely. I need someone to talk to. I'll see him tomarrow and he'll call me tonight. I'm really tired and I have a headache. I don't know why I feel this way. It's been coming on for a few weeks. I haven't felt like doing anything. Not even posting on here. I think I'll try and play one of my computer games today. Just to pass the time. Well, that's all for now.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I wish shit happened then maybe it wouldn't stink so bad around here.

Farts-farts everywhere but none of them are mine.

Little C. has monster gas today. It started when he woke up and just got worse as the day went along. Then the kitten started in. Oh my god. I think that's the worst thing I've smelt in a while. Between the kid and the cat I think I'm going to suficate in my own apartment. I'm going to go to bed and close my door and the boys door. Then Little C's gas will be trapped with him. The cat will be in the living room. So, he can keep his gas to himself. Well that's all for tonight. I must get away from the nausiating smell for tonight.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

WTF 2?

Why is my post not coming up for me, but obviously it is for others?

I don't understand. Oh, well I give up.


Well that sucked.

Men you can't live with them and you can't shoot them. Ok I never bitch about my Zevon on here well here is one thing about him that irritates me. His taste in movies. We went and saw Lord of War. War movies, yuck. I wanted to see Just like heaven. For god sake it was date night. Then after the movie I wanted to rent Stepmonster, but I couldn't because it had Jane Fonda in it. The whole Vietnam thing. So now I've seen a stupid assed movie about an arms dealer. I hate watching action movies when what I want to see is a funny or romantic movie. So, with that said. If that's one of the few flaws I've noticed I can live with it. He is a really great guy who is very considerate of my feelings. Well, enough said I've got the day off and the Big one is at outdoor school and the little one is at school. So, it's time to clean the house.


Friday, September 16, 2005

I'm going on a date.

Me and my honey get to go out on a date tomarrow night. The classic dinner and a movie, but it's still nice to go out and get away from the kids for a night. Baby Bear will be well paid for her time, and I get to snuggle up in a theater and see a movie with my honey. If you don't know we only get to go out once every six months or so. So, this is a big deal to me. Even though it might not be to someone else. More tomarrow night when I get back.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bad Omens

Ok today at work what should I see. Not fat people even though they're everywhere.

What I saw that made me agree to go home early even though I'm broke?:

1. The senior citizen bus pulled in and dropped off old people. (Not a bad omen on it's own.)

2. An insurance company car pulled into the parking lot right behind it. (A little creepy still not too bad.)

3. The insurance company car was imediatly followed in line into the parking lot by a truck. The truck was white with "Batesville Casket Compay" written on the side. (Totally makes a bad omen as a combo.)

All on their own they wouldn't have caught my attention. (OK maybe the casket truck would have.) All three right in a row seemed way too creepy to me. They followed each other in right in a line. So, when they asked me if I wanted to go home. I said yeah, I'll go.

It was like someone knew something that they wern't sharing. So, home I went.


Bitch do you have kids.

I was inspired to write this by a comment on Madame D's sight. First off You've Got to be Kidding didn't have the balls to leave a name or even let you know if it's a male or female. Lets for arguments sake say it's a female. She obviously has no children or has stepford kids with no ambition to cause a healthy amount of mischief. They also must have no imagination. What child hasn't played cops and robbers or cowboys and indians? I'm going to kill you is a common phrase in these games. So, the only problem comes when the child doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy. My kids say inappropriate things a lot, but as their parent I tell them that it's wrong and not to do it again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Children are fundimentally violent creatures. If we let them handle their own problems with bullies and bad people and such. They more then likely would settle the problem with violence if not the death of the bully, child molester, or other such person. If you don't believe me look at what a small child does when another child takes it toy or snack away. The result is usually hitting the offending child or biting or some other such form of violence. That is why as parents it is up to us to teach them to curb those urges until themselves or others are actually in physical danger. That is our job as parents.

First off I don't care who agrees with me on this. If my youngest son is getting beat on by a bigger child and my older son beats that larger childs ass. I don't care how he gets punished where he is. He's getting a party when he gets home. The reason you might ask. He did the right thing. The strong should defend the weak. The odds are though that the situation would be reversed and the little one would end up saving the big one. The little one has a temper, but is not a violent child. He is sweet and loving with a very long fuse. Once you set him off though he will kick your ass.

I just have one thing to say to the bitch in question. Madame D is a good mother and loves her son enough to kill for him. Also the boy is a sweet loving child who has spent a lot of time with me and my children. You don't know them if all you've read is one post. He's a good kid going through a tough time right now just like his momma.

I think I've ranted and raved enough about this for now.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hey bitch I'm off.

Today at work it was time to go home. I was walking to the time clock to punch out. What should happen now? Well, Doublebagger should punch out and go home right. Wrong...What does happen? You might ask. The Mega Bitch From Hell, assistant to Big Chief I Havemnoballs, says "Go to the parking lot and bring in carts." I told her I couldn't do it in the 10 seconds it takes to walk to the time clock. To which she replies, "I want you to do it anyway." Ok. This would have been all well and good, but I had been outside getting carts almost nonstop for an hour. Everytime I came in she sent me back out. Then when she wanted me to go out the last time she says, "I want the ones in the back brought in too."

God damnit. I always get the carts from the back. The ones the new people don't go get. I hate the fact that when I try to slack off I get in trouble, but anyone else it seems disappears for hours and no one cares. I'm tired as hell, and my head hurts. It was very hot today. Goodbye for tonight.


Friday, September 09, 2005

Now taking applications for a C.A.K.

Certified Ass Kicker wanted.


1. Must not have a problem beating ugly theiving bitches.
2. Slimy ex-husbands must not pose a problem.
3. Must have built in lie detector. (Helpful for above ugly thieving bitch.)

To appy leave a comment. The job pays $0.00. The payment is being satisfied by a job well done and serving karma.

Ok. Now the story behind the advertisement.

First my ex-husband is a skeevy loser. Hence #2, is for him. #1 has nothing to do with him.

Number one and the post it self is about my darling Zevon's ex-wife. He was storing some of his things at the house where he used to live while they fixed the garage. So, his ex after visiting her mother over three days last week. Went into the garage at the old house and took his tools, all his power tools( they had to unbolt the grinder from the work bench.), and he had two rainbow vacuums and a huge shop vacuum she took those too. This skeevy bitch abandoned my Zevon to run away with a truck driver. The divorce has been final for about a year and a half. She got all the shit that the Judge said she could have. So, this is pure bullshit. Hence the bitch needs her ass beat down in a most serious kind of way.

If they determine it's theft then he is so pressing charges.

So, I'm soooo.....pissed off today. That's it for now.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's almost time for outdoor school.

Outdoor school is the time of the fifth grade where we send our children into the woods with approved adult teachers to learn the city boys guide to woods survival. Which means they learn nothing usful. How to cook on a coffee can with a tuna fish can candle. This is not really a survival skill. To build a leaky lean-to with twigs. How to eat stinging nettles 101. Of course this wonderful program will cost me $40.

The fucking worst part. I have to go to a meeting to talk about this totally usless program. The damn meeting is at 7 pm tonight. Thanks for the heads up people. They said that they sent a note home Tuesday. My kids were sick on Tuesday. So, I find out today when I called to find out when I had to shell out my $40 by.

It's 10 am and if I didn't have another hud inspection today my ass would be in bed still. I hope they get this done soon. I really need a shower, BAD. It was hot here yesterday and I worked. Now gotta go before the woman gets here.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The newest member of my family.

He's small and cute and covered in gray hair. His name is Smokey. I call him dumbass. He's a kitten. Me and Baby Bear are sharing him. He's 8 weeks, but he's tiny. Today I bought him a bottle and formula and kitten soft cat food. Well, the bottle didn't work, but mixing the formula with the soft kitten food did. He's a special needs kitty. His hind leg is crippled and he was the runt so he needs lots of attention. He's sleeping now. Now that I've got food Zevon can feed him. He went for 6 hours today without food. He's getting Iams. He needs to be fattened up. He doesn't even know how to clean himself. So, I had to bathe him today to get the kitty litter that matted in his fur out, and the cat food that I gave him today. He had crusty fur from the milk he had yesterday. He has to leave tonight until tomarrow afternoon at least. Another HUD inspection tomarrow. Well, that's all for today. I've got lots of cleaning to do.


Saturday, September 03, 2005

What the hell is up with our government?

In this day and age of advanced technology and free thinking ideas. Why is it that church groups and private organizations can organize help for the victims of Hurricane Katrina before the US government can? Yes, I understand it takes time, but on 9/11 they were there the next day.

I don't know exactly how long it takes to become delirious from lack of food and water. Though I am pretty sure the delirium from dehydration doesn't take long in 100 degree weather with 90% humidity with no water. Then people wonder why people are discouraged and shooting at helicopters. Ok, here's another one. I knew through AOL and the news that there were people in the convention center as well as the superdome. The people in charge of relief supplies said they just found out yesterday. Ok, tell me that no one told them and then ask me if I believe it. HELL NO!!!

Why does this surprise me? When the people of New Orleans asked for money to secure the levies and to make the city safe in case of a storm. The government said no, that we were fighting a war and the money wasn't there. Now they are going to have to spend twice as much just to help the people whose lives were distroyed by this tragedy.

They say finger pointing won't help at this point. I don't give a shit about that. I wish people in the government would pull their heads out of their asses and realize what they are doing to the people who put them in office.

Don't even get me started on the media during this crisis. They are acting like sharks who've gotten the scent of blood. Did anyone see the footage of the little girl and her grandpa? The reporters sped by on their boat filming the little girl while she said"please help us." There where two of them. The reporters wouldn't have been swamped with people needing help, but it would have shown a little compasion in this terrible time. They call it the heartless media. Well, ain't that the truth. May god have mercy on their souls, because no one else will.

That's all I've got for now.


My second drug test ever.

This is not the funny part. The funny part is what I got tested for. I got tested for running over my second toe(the one with a ingrown toe nail) with a cart. I asked where there were band-aids because I thought my toe was bleeding. Did I get my band-aid? Hell no. What I got was a half an hour past the time I was suposed to get off. To do what you might ask? To sit on my ass while the hottie in charge and his red headed minion figured out how to administer a drug test and fill out an accident report on basically a stubbed toe.

I found out that last week they did an accident report and drug test on a girl who skined her knuckle. Oh my good god. Next time I'll just keep band-aids in my locker.

The verdict my toe was bleeding a little. (I found out for sure when I got home.) So, I cleaned it up and the cart had broken a little corner off and was jammed into my toe. Nothing a pair of tweezeers and some paroxide couldn't fix.

The damnest thing is I can't even get a copy of the results. If I could I would use it in my divorce case against dumbshit.

Well, that's all for right now.
